
Time to take control of your digital clutter!

I have systems in place for cleaning, I have Konmari’d my house, and yet my digital life was full of clutter.

My search for a comprehensive checklist to help me clear out my digital clutter was fruitless. Years and years of digital dust bunnies and electronic cobwebs filled my devices. Lovely 15 -day and 30-day outlines are available but didn’t begin to cover the massive pile-up which I had.

So I created my own checklist!

This fall I published Digital Declutter: The BIG Checklist to Obtain Digital Minimalism for you to also complete a comprehensive deep digital decluttering on your own devices! Take control of your mess with manageable  bite-sized pieces of time each day.

Follow along and find Pro-Tips on Twitter @ceodeclutter

You can also find me on Instagram: DigitalDeclutterCEO

About the Author

D.M. Elliot is a curry-loving, creative who passive-aggressively ignored her hordes of digital dust bunnies for years.
A determined, self-proclaimed minimalist, Elliot searched for a solution to organize her digital clutter and discovered checklists as the solution. Through her decluttering journey of combining checklists with good digital habits, she found a simple, step-by-step solution to right-size her digital life. 
Creating The BIG Checklist allowed Elliot to organize and maintain a calm, digitally uncluttered, minimalist lifestyle. She lives with her husband in Japan.